
Frequently Asked Questions

How to install demo-content? First, please extract the downloaded package with a theme with any ZIP software. Then upload theme.zip (in every case, the name of the archive will rely on its meaning) via WP Dashboard => Themes => Add New => Upload theme:  ...

Error: "link has been expired" or Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_IF in In this case please try to re-upload your theme via FTP using Binary Mode: http://prntscr.com/12iitep After that activate your theme – this step would fix your issue.+

Error: Oops, Unyson Backup requires PHP Zip module If you met that error:  ZIP EXTENSION / PHP ZIP Module is not activated on the hosting server: Oops, Unyson Backup requires a PHP Zip module but it is not enabled on your server. If you are not familiar with the PHP Zip mod ...

Deactivated HTTP Loopback Connections: or Unyson: Your website is hosted using the LiteSpeed web server. It's necessary to perform the following steps: 1. Connect your host via FTP in Binary Mode and open in code editor file .htaccess Add at the end of the file the following directive: RewriteRule .* - [E=noabort:1] Save f ...

Error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘[’ in Usually, this issue occurs due to the outdated version of your PHP. Please check your current version of PHP and if it is lower than 7.4 – please switch your current PHP version to 7.4+ It is possible to perform via cPanel ...

cURL error 35: error:1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version To fix this issue quickly - please contact your hosting provider and ask them to update the cURL version. +

How to fix WordPress 404 "Not Found" page Error? To fix the issue with the 404-page error quickly, please click WP Dashboard => Settings => Permalinks and switch Common Settings to Plain: http://prntscr.com/12ij8x0 then save changes. This step will fix your issue. Addition ...

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 50331648 bytes exhausted Please increase the PHP memory limit value to fix this issue.  This manual will help you to perform this: http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/fix-wordpress-memory-exhausted-error-increase-php-memory/ +

500 HTTP Internal Server Error First of all, increase the memory limit in your WP configuration: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/fix-wordpress-memory-exhausted-error-increase-php-memory/  Also, make sure that your server is running at a minimum ...

Error: after installation lot's of pages are unavailable and return 404 error To fix this issue, please click WP Dashboard => Settings=> Permalinks => Save Changes: https://prntscr.com/12ijif7 +

How to add sorting feature for team members, services, blog posts? In this case, we recommend you to use this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/post-types-order/ It adds a drag'n'drop feature and allows to change the order of team members/services/ or any post type page. +

How to insert/inject any js code in theme (google analytics code)? In this case, we recommend you to use this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/header-footer/  Please read the article about how to use it: https://kinsta.com/knowledgebase/add-code-wordpress-header-footer/  +

How to speed up your WordPress site? Here is the simple and powerful recipe to increase your website speed: 1. Use WP Fastest Cache plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-fastest-cache/ with the following settings:  http://prntscr.com/slnb98 2. Connect WP ...

How to create landing page (one-page scrolling) via anchors and IDs? If you want to do this with the help of Unyson Page Builder, please perform these steps: 1. Install this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/page-scroll-to-id/ 2. Insert in button or menu item the following shortcode:� ...

How to do additional colors customization for theme? First of all, you may change the background, color, and overlay color of sections in Unyson Page Builder.  The manual about how to use Unyson Page Builder you may download here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GmC2CFXsx_v ...

How to decrease slider area in any theme? If you want to reduce the slider area, please use the images with a smaller height, for example, 1920 x 700 px. This will help you to decrease the slider area on your page. +

How to fix Mixed SSL Content for website? To fix mixed SSL content issue on your website, please download and install this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/ssl-insecure-content-fixer/ Then click WP Dashboard => Settings => SSL Insecure Content => select ...

How to deactivate/disable comments for blog or page in any theme? To disable comments, please install and activate this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/disable-comments/ Then click WP Dashboard => Settings => Disable Comments and select Blog Posts option. Save changes and check resu ...

How to create preview snippet for website in Google Search ? You may create your custom preview snippets for a website with the help of this nice plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/all-in-one-schemaorg-rich-snippets/ Please read this manual about how to use this plugin:http://www.w ...

How to set for website "Under Construction Page/Coming Soon/Maintenance Mode"? If you want to activate some kind of coming soon/maintenance mode page for your website, please install and activate this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/under-construction-page/ It has accurate and nice designs, autom ...

My Unyson Contact Form doesn't send emails. How to fix? To fix this issue with contact form, please connect your host via FTP in Binary mode and go to this directory: wp-contentthemesyour_theme's_folderframework-customizationsextensionsformsextensionscontact-formsviews Rename fi ...

How to add GDPR Cookie compliance for my WordPress website? If you want to add the GDPR Cookie Compliance to your WordPress website, please use this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/gdpr-cookie-compliance/ It has a lot of nice features, just configure it according to your purpo ...

How to create and set favicon for any theme? Here is a simple instruction about how to create and upload a favicon for your website. Login your WP Dashboard, click Appearance => Customize => Site Settings => Logo, Site Title & Tagline.  Scroll down to site Icon Opt ...

How to fix full-width issue which occurs due to the Brizy plugin and Gutenberg? To fix this issue install and activate this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/classic-editor/ The issue with incorrect full-width appearance usually occurs due to the Brizy Page Builder.  Do not use it, because it is ...

How to edit the layers (text, colors, images) in Unyson Slider? You may simply change the text for layers in the slider. For example, click WP Dashboard => Appearance => Sliders => Main Slider. Select slide #1 and expand the Slider Layer.  Pay your attention to Text Layer: https://prnt ...

I want to rename the theme. Why is it not a good idea? Please note, that if you want to rename a theme - that's not a good idea.  Such steps may break a theme or lead to unexpected issues.  Each theme contains its unique IDs, classes, and code which are connected directly wit ...

How to export/import all blog posts from old website to new? First of all please export your previous posts from your old blog via WP Dashboard => Tools => Export: http://prntscr.com/12imcpi - download first XML file. and export media in the similar way and download second ...

How to add a custom font for website globally? It is possible to add 3-d party font for website like in this article: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/using-font-face/ Here is the list of necessary files: webfont.eot webfont.woff2 webfont.woff webfont.ttf webfo ...

How to deactivate all the notices, warnings in debug mode? These messages are just notices with additional information for developers. Sometimes, they occur after updates for plugins when debug mode is in an active state. After deactivation the will not appear anymore. To turn off th ...

How to fix Google Maps There are a lot of issues occur with Google Maps last time. In this case, we recommend you to use this nice tool: https://www.embedgooglemap.net/  Chose your location, zoom, width, and height for the map. Copy HTML code a ...

WP-SCSS Sass Compiling Error: File Permission Error, permission denied. Please make the cache directory writable. First, please update WP-SCSS plugin up to the latest version, then click WP Dashboard => Settings => WP- SCSS and re-save changes like on the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/107glfk Alternative solution: please download the ...

Where to obtain the free SLL/HTTPS certificates? You may obtain the free certificates here: https://letsencrypt.org  or here: https://www.sslforfree.com Also please read this useful article about connecting WP and SSL:  https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/website ...

Is it possible to use a 3-d party page builder in your theme? The native page builder for this theme is Unyson: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GmC2CFXsx_vuRufzgEG0NISgFPTVsG22/ Additionally, you may use Elementor, but we recommend using it only for creating the new pages. Do not mi ...

How to activate Unyson Page Builder for the blog posts? By default, Unyson Page Builder is not intended for blog posts.  But if you want to activate it for posts type, click WP Dashboard => Unyson => Page Builder => Settings. Select the checkbox for "Blog Posts" and save change ...

How to add a responsive video on your website which works on all devices and browsers? If you want to use responsive videos on your website, we offer you the following solution (our team has checked it. ) The solution displays fine results in all browsers and devices): - install this plugin: https://wordpress ...

How to update a theme to the newest version. The update of the theme without any unexpected issues is possible only if the child theme was activated after the demo-content installation. If it was done in your case, follow these steps to update a theme: 1. First of all ...

How to connect Smash Balloon Social Photo Feed with your website? It is necessary to connect your Instagram account with your website. To do this click WP Dashboard => Instagram Feed => "Add Source": https://i.imgur.com/1wknH15.png Then click "Add Account Manually": https://i.imgur.com/D ...

How to enhance SEO and site speed for my website? To increase the results of loading speed - please use these steps: 1. Use WP Fastest Cache plugin with the following settings:  http://prntscr.com/slnb98 2. Connect WP Fastest Cache with CDN Cloudflare network: https://pr ...

How to transfer a website from one domain name to another? The fastest and easy way to migrate from your localhost (or any other host) to your live host is to use the plugin https://drive.google.com/open?id=1BsgY7vLEhESJHs8io8uIjOEvqR62YAlu But there are 4 important steps while the ...

What is your refund policy? Due to the nature of a digital item, it's not possible to perform a refund after you have downloaded a product. Please read the additional information about the refund policy here: https://themeforest.net/page/customer_refun ...

Why the images blurry after demo-content installation? We use blurry images to prevent any copyright issues between our customers and the owners of the images. If you need the images in high resolution for demonstrative purposes - just submit a private ticket at https://mwtempla ...

How to fix Unyson Page Builder Error: "error: Forbidden" or "error: Not Found"? Usually, such issue occurs in the following cases: - when false positive mod_security rules module is activated on your server; - when mod_rewrite module is deactivated on your server; Please contact your hosting provi ...

What plugin do you recommend instead of the default gallery/portfolio? If you want to use some kind of separate or alternative gallery, we recommend you to use this nice plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/foogallery/  Please read this helpful tutorial about how to use this plugin: https:/ ...

How to change or customize 404 page? If you want to customize the 404 error page, please use this nice plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/404page/ It contains extended options for 404-page customization. +

Where i can find the free stock photos/images/icons with CC0 license? You may find free photos and images with a CC0 license here: https://www.pexels.com https://unsplash.com https://pixabay.com The free icons are available here:  https://www.kisspng.com +

How to hide all notices about additional plugin installations and updates? To hide all notices in WP Dashboard, please install and activate this nice plugin:  https://wordpress.org/plugins/disable-admin-notices/+

How to copy/duplicate any page or post quickly? To duplicate any post or page quickly, please install and activate this plugin:  ttps://wordpress.org/plugins/duplicate-page/