How to create landing page (one-page scrolling) via anchors and IDs?
If you want to do this with the help of Unyson Page Builder, please perform these steps:
1. Install this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/page-scroll-to-id/
2. Insert in button or menu item the following shortcode: http://yourdoamin.com/#section-1
3. Insert in the text element via Page Builder the following anchor: [ps2id id='section-1' target="/]
4. Every #section-x in the menu item or button appropriates to the necessary id='section-x', where "x" is the index number.
5. Additionally you may install this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/easy-smooth-scroll-links/ It adds smooth scrolling from button to necessary section/part of the website.
Then clear the cache in your browser and check the result.