  Public Ticket #971640
Various things


  •  2
    Greg started the conversation


    Please help me fix following issues, so we can go live

    1. Extend main menu. I don't want menu to be half seen and half to hamburger menu .. it's not logical. How can we disable this half/half function?
    2. there is still non visible logo area on the left in header .. can we delete this, so main menu get stretched?
    3. About us - we need to remove vertical lines under "O Inštitutu" cause we don't need those numbers
    4. remove breadcrumb under services title or translate Homepage and Services

    Thank you for prompt help

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Gregor!

    Please go to file in wp-content\themes\chiropractor\inc\header_styles.php open it in Code Editor. Find string number 135, change value 20 to 50 or bigger;

    $site_description = chiropractor_excerpt_chat( $site_description, 20, false, true, false, false );  to =>>>>  $site_description = chiropractor_excerpt_chat( $site_description, 50, false, true, false, false );

    Save this file. After that reload your Main Page via CTRL+5 or
    CTRL+R and you will see the changes. Tomorrow we will provide you with solutions for you other requests.

  •  2
    Greg replied

    Found this code previously and already deleted whole div .. there is still soem ahref behind -> http://prnt.sc/ddced1

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Greg.

    1. To delete non-visible logo area, please go to your style.css file located at ddd.si/wp-content/themes/chiropractor/style.css and find class .head-menu-left a, .head-menu-left-inner on string # 11253 Reduce or comment parameter width: 424px; 

    Also please view this screenshot.

    2. To remove gray vertical lines in About US, go to your WP Administrative Panel => Pages => All Pages => Front Page. Open Front Page in Visual Drag & Drop Page Builder and find 1-st Section. Inside this section you will see About Us content element. Click the settings of this element:

    and delete all unnecessary information in the fields. Save changes and check your page now. If this gray vertical lines will not disappear, go your style.css file in ddd.si/wp-content/themes/chiropractor/framework-customizations/extensions/shortcodes/shortcodes/about-us/static/css/about-us-style.css?ver=4.6.1 and find string # 77 class .fw-shortcode-about-us--number-section. Input display:none inside this class.

    3. To extend menu, go to file in wp-content\themes\chiropractor\inc\header_styles.php open it in Code Editor. Find string number 135, change value 20 to 50 or bigger;

    $site_description = chiropractor_excerpt_chat( $site_description, 20, false, true, false, false );  to =>>>>  $site_description = chiropractor_excerpt_chat( $site_description, 50, false, true, false, false );

    Save this file. After that reload your Main Page via CTRL+5 or CTRL+R and you will see the changes. 

    4. Regarding the Breadcrumbs - we are preparing general fix, soon it will be available for you.

  •  2
    Greg replied

    Thank you for your help. I'm still strugling with issue no. 3. It is still hidden. When i reload page it gets show whole menu for a second and then it gets hidden in hamburger


  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Greg. Anyway we will find a solution to fix your issue with menu. Just in case, please make a copy of your header_styles.php file located in wp-content\themes\chiropractor\inc\header_styles.php and replace it with ours. This version of file does not have function to make menu hidden for desktop devices.

    After that please check your website in another browser. If this step will not help to fix this issue - we will additionally edit your style.css. We waiting for your response.

  •  2
    Greg replied

    Hi Andrey

    Not working. I replaced the file and tried in incognito window in Chrome, Also with CTRL+F5

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Greg. In this case please open in code editor via FTP main.js file located in wp-content\themes\chiropractor\js\main.js and comment string # 241 like on the screenshot below with //:

    And as alternative solution you may use Max Mega Menu plugin Install it in your WP Dashboard, than go to Appearance => Menus => Max Mega Menu Settings. Enable checkboxes and save all changes like on this screenshot.
    Than find in you file style.css located it ddd.si/wp-content/themes/chiropractor/style.css  string #59 and in id #mega-menu-wrap-primary #mega-menu-primary change the following parameters:
    text-align: left; => text-align: center;  Please view this screenshot.

    After that in the file ddd.si/wp-content/themes/chiropractor/style.css find string #750.  Add inside id #mega-menu-wrap-primary this parameter: padding-top: 30px

    Than again in style.ss go to sting #51 id#mega-menu-wrap-primary and change parameter background: #222; to yours background: #002a42;    Please view this screenshot.

    Please do not forget to save all changes in file style.css after editing. One of this offered solutions can help you.
    Best Regards!

  •  2
    Greg replied


    This error is always represent in Control Panel

    Failed to access Github repository "ThemeFuse/Unyson-Services-Extension" releases. (Response code: 404)

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Greg. In fact this is fake error, it is possible to hide it via .css in your WP Dashboard. It does not affect the functionality of the theme.