  Public Ticket #837633


  • Adnan started the conversation


    How can I replace videos in the Slider Revolution with mine?

    Thanks in advance,


  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hi. Please go to your admin: Slider Revolution-> Top Slider ->#3 slider -> Doble click ‘[life­_coach_video_carousel]’ shortcode -> You’ll see there link to video-> change it there

  • Adnan replied

    I did what you suggest and i changed the code for videos but now i have another problem that videos are not showing in full. it seems that some part of the video is cut off . The attached image will give you better idea of what problem i am facing?

    Please advise me how to fix this issue.

    Thanks in advance,


  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Andan! We are working on your issue. Tomorrow you will receive a reply.

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Andan! Here is the proper example of url in Revolution Slider:

    Just put your video in slider between these tags <div class="top-slide3-video">[life_coach_video_carousel][life_coach_video_carousel_item]YOUR VIDEO[/life_coach_video_carousel_item][/life_coach_video_carousel]</div> 

    If you have any difficulties to set up this, please provide us with your credentials for you WP Dashboard and we will do your video to look properly. The full exact code is:

    <div class="top-slide3-video">[life_coach_video_carousel][life_coach_video_carousel_item]https://www.youtube.com/embed/8EYYp-sx1AU?feature=oembed[/life_coach_video_carousel_item][life_coach_video_carousel_item]https://www.youtube.com/embed/e2ap6fd_sXY?feature=oembed[/life_coach_video_carousel_item][life_coach_video_carousel_item]https://www.youtube.com/embed/cjD5R3wXAtQ?feature=oembed[/life_coach_video_carousel_item][/life_coach_video_carousel]</div>
  •   Adnan replied privately
  •   Adnan replied privately
  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Dear Sir, everything is done, but it was necessary to make a minor redesign of your slides and locate every video on every slide. Please check your website. Best Regards!