  Public Ticket #3455087
Unable to Install Theme


  • Julius Kabugu started the conversation

    While trying to install the theme, I get the following error:

    Installing theme from uploaded file: this-themeforest-7vkhO5Ul-seedone-agriculture-wordpress-theme-wordpress-theme.zip

    Unpacking the package…

    Could not copy file. seedone/template-parts/svg/google/calendar2.php

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Jukius Kabugu!

    Thank you for your request.

    First, please extract the downloaded package with a theme with any ZIP software. Then upload theme.zip (in every case, the name of the archive will rely on its meaning) via WP Dashboard => Themes => Add New => Upload theme. Click "Install" - then activate your theme.

    In order to set up demo, install and activate all plugins, then click WP Dashboard => Tools => Demo Content Install => Install. Pay your attention that the demo-content installation process will overwrite all your current content. Then check your content at the front-end after the demo-content installation process.

    Also, it's necessary to install a demo while the parent theme is active. Please activate the child theme only after the demo-content installation. The child theme - is a special add-on, which allows you to do changes safely and without touching files of the parent theme. As a result, this solution helps to apply all future theme updates without unexpected issues.

    Please check our documentation here: https://webdesign-finder.com/docs/seedone/documentation_theme/index.html

    It includes screenshots, videos and explanations about how to install and edit the theme.

    Let us know about results.

    Best Regards!