  Public Ticket #3357305
Disable Sticky Header and make it Fixed


  • Fakazey started the conversation

    I love your work on this theme, really amazing, bravo

    however I have a problem,
    I would like to know how to make the header fixed at the top of the page and not sticky when scroll down the page.
    In the "customize" section of wordpress and "theme header" i do not have this option.
    Can you help me, thank you & take care 

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Fakazey!

    Thank you for your message.

    To perform this - please click WP Dashboard => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and paste this code here:

    @media (min-width: 1200px) {
    .header_type_2 .page_header_side.vertical_menu_header.affix .container-fluid, .header_type_3 .page_header_side.vertical_menu_header.affix .container-fluid {
        padding-bottom: 10px;
        padding-top: 5px;
        display: none;

    Then save changes and check results at front-end.

    Best Regards!

  • Fakazey replied

    thank you for the quick answer the header is now fixed..

    but now i have a little black bar when i scroll down, i take a screenshot 

    is there any way to delete this bar ? thank you !

    Attached files:  Capture d’écran 2023-04-27 à 15.37.53.png

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello Dear Fakazey!

    Please paste these codes into Additional CSS and click on to Publish button:

    .header_type_2 .page_header_side.vertical_menu_header.affix::before, .header_type_3 .page_header_side.vertical_menu_header.affix::before{

    Best Regards!

  • Fakazey replied


    thank you very much ! 

    take care

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    You're welcome!

    Thank you!

    Best Regards!