  Public Ticket #3164642
How to change contact translation


  • Dominik started the conversation

    Hi there,

    I am trying to rename those fields (see attachment).

    How can I do this? (e.g. "Mail us" -> "E-Mail"

    Attached files:  Unbenannt.png

  •  1,627
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Dominik!

    Thank you for your questions.

    To change these words, please open in code editor the following file:


    Change these words at the lines: # 39,  #57  and #73: https://prnt.sc/Ni-E1J9Hku_F

    Save changes and check results at front-end.

    Also you may change data in this fields via Customizer: https://prnt.sc/2O-aZz79G9Id

    Best Regards!