Comments Mahmoud started the conversationJuly 23, 2022 at 9:51pmHi,After taking so many hours to resolve one of your bugs curl error 28 I am now stuck with TGMPA Ajax erro. Now I have no clue how to solve this one. It stck with status plugins installing .. 1,702Andrey repliedJuly 24, 2022 at 8:00amHello, Dear Mahmoud. 1. The curls error 28 - is not our bug. The Github repositories are overloaded by user requests these days globally. As result, Github cuts connections and it is not possible to download necessary extensions. To solve this problem – please download this updated version and Unyson plugin and install it: Then click WP Dashboard => Unyson and activate all extensions: After these steps – click Tools => Demo Content Install and run installation. You can also provide us with access to your WP Dashboard via temporary access: and we will install the theme for you. 2. In this case - please install plugins one by one manually.Let us know about results. Best Regards! 1,702Andrey repliedJuly 24, 2022 at 8:45amHello, Dear Mahmoud!We've successfully installed missed plugins and extensions in your WP Dashboard.Now your website appears fine: clear cache in CDN Cloudflare control panel and check results at front-end.Best Regards!Mahmoud repliedJuly 24, 2022 at 10:22amthank you very much for taking the time to solve my issue, now all works as it should. Much appreciated 1,702Andrey repliedJuly 24, 2022 at 6:36pmYou are welcome, Dear Mahmoud !We are glad to assist you. Sign in to reply ...
After taking so many hours to resolve one of your bugs curl error 28
I am now stuck with TGMPA Ajax erro. Now I have no clue how to solve this one. It stck with status plugins installing ..
Hello, Dear Mahmoud.
1. The curls error 28 - is not our bug. The Github repositories are overloaded by user requests these days globally. As result, Github cuts connections and it is not possible to download necessary extensions.
To solve this problem – please download this updated version and Unyson plugin and install it: Then click WP Dashboard => Unyson and activate all extensions: After these steps – click Tools => Demo Content Install and run installation.
You can also provide us with access to your WP Dashboard via temporary access: and we will install the theme for you.
2. In this case - please install plugins one by one manually.
Let us know about results.
Best Regards!
Hello, Dear Mahmoud!
We've successfully installed missed plugins and extensions in your WP Dashboard.
Now your website appears fine:
Please clear cache in CDN Cloudflare control panel and check results at front-end.
Best Regards!
thank you very much for taking the time to solve my issue, now all works as it should. Much appreciated
You are welcome, Dear Mahmoud !
We are glad to assist you.