Only you can do this because of the authentication policy of your Google account.
As alternative solution, you may try this nice tool: Choose your location, zoom, width, and height for map. Copy HTML code and insert it in Text Block element between divs tags via Unyson Page Builder:
I have to install my demo content for this theme.
I am unable to install that
Please rectify it
Hello, Dear Ravi!
To solve this problem - please download this updated version and Unyson plugin and install it:
Then click WP Dashboard => Unyson and activate all extensions:
After these steps - click Tools => Demo Content Install and run installation.
Best Regards!
I am facing an issue on loading a map in skymax website. I am seeing the below error in consle. Please guide us to solve it permenantly
Google Maps JavaScript API error: RefererNotAllowedMapError
Your site URL to be authorized:
Hello, Dear Ravi!
This issue occurs, because Google Maps require now API key.
Please obtain your personal API key here:
Also read this article about how to perform this:
Then insert your key in Maps shortcode via page builder, save changes and check results at front-end.
Also activate the Maps JavaScript API for your project. You may need to enable it under APIs in the Google Cloud Console.
To activate the Maps JavaScript API for your project, click the link below:
Only you can do this because of the authentication policy of your Google account.
As alternative solution, you may try this nice tool: Choose your location, zoom, width, and height for map. Copy HTML code and insert it in Text Block element between divs tags via Unyson Page Builder:
Save all changes and you'll receive a nice result:
Best Regards!