  Public Ticket #2995198
Map Not Loading Properly


  • Benjamin-Omar started the conversation

    I attempt to input my business address so that the google maps red map marker preloads to my location (located on the "Contact" page)...but it does not. It's stuck on "Gap Camp Gully" area. Please see attachment and advise. 

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Benjamin-Omar!

    In this case please use this nice tool: https://www.embedgooglemap.net/ Chose your location, zoom, width, and height for map. Copy HTML code and insert it in Text Block element between divs tags via Unyson Page Builder:


    Save all changes and you'll receive a nice result: http://prntscr.com/pbn14h

    Please try it and use it. 

    Best Regards!