  Public Ticket #2887915
How to remove program pages?


  • Jesse started the conversation


    I have deactivated links for programs in the code of the website, so if you click on a program nothing happens, otherwise you would have been redirected to the program's page. But now the pages of the programs remain, which I can easily open via the link (e.g. https://example.com/programs/example/). How do I get rid of these pages? I've already looked at pages in WordPress, but there are only the pages that I created and those from the demo content. 

    Kind regards, 
    Jesse Zurek

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Jesse.

    You may assign the redirection for these pages to your main page via .htaccess:


    Best Regards!

  • Jesse replied

    Dear support team,

    I do not have the rights to access this document. I can't get this because this feature is blocked by my hosting provider. Is there another way to remove the remaining pages? 

    Kind regards.

  • Jesse replied

    A redirect would also not be in my interest, as I really want to have these pages removed.

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Jesse!

    In this case we recommend you the alternative way via plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/content-control/

    or these tips:


    Best Regards!

  • Jesse replied

    Thanks for the answer, but the first one doesn't quite work because I can only hide the pages there that I can hide in the page editor. But I want to hide the program pages. And in the second article I only find what I knew before. I would like that when you call up the url of the program, just a 404 page comes up. Is there maybe a line in the code of the page where all the URLs are and I can just delete the ones I don't want or something that is simpler?

    Kind regards,
    Jesse Zurek

    (PS: I've also looked for other plugins to hide the URLs, but they only allow me to hide pages that I can hide anyway.)

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Jesse!

    You can hide the programs if you do not want. (Just deactivate it in WP Dashboard => Unyson: http://prntscr.com/1xae06q )

    Also, you can set up the links through Teaser Icon Box. Please, see the screenshot and read the following article about your questions.



    Best Regards!

  • Jesse replied

    No! I want the individual pages (such as https://*/programs/*/) either deleted or forwarded to the homepage. I don't want to remove the programs or relocate the login page! Please, please help me with that!

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello Dear Jesse!

    Please clarify to us, do you need the result like on this example? :

    Best Regards!

  • Jesse replied

    NO!!! The programs ''produce" new subpages, such as https://bit.ly/3pHNlp5 and when I click on the programs, I am forwarded to them. I have removed that. So if I click on the programs now, I will I am no longer forwarded. But these pages, which are produced by the programs, such as https://bit.ly/3pHNlp5 are still there because I only switched off the forwarding function. If I now enter the URL of this page calls (i.e. https://example.com/programs/new/) I get exactly to this page. But this page should be removed !!!!! How do I do that? Again, as a reminder, I do NOT want to delete the programs, I also do NOT want to move the login page !!! But I want to remove the program subpage !!!

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Jesse.

    Unfortunately there is no 100% solution to perform this correctly.

    The removing of the single program template may occur the incorrect appearance and work of all the programs.

    We can try to build for you the similar layout of program pages but via page builder.

    For these purposes please provide us with the link/login/password for your WP Dashboard.

    Best Regards.