  Public Ticket #2850505


  • Marcelo started the conversation

    Olá espero que você esteja bem!! Tenho duas perguntas para resolver neste bilhete, o mesmo assunto!

    1- Only 3 services appear in my template, how can I make more than 3 services appear?

    2 - The services appear well on the desktop version, but on the mobile version they hide a good part of the slide, how can I solve this?

    I insert images to help understand my problems


    Below, I simulate in the browser (to make it easier with the printscreen) as it is in the mobile version (already tested by the cell phone and since it really covers a good part of the slide); I need to resolve this issue to make them smaller in the mobile version, thus allowing the sldie's visibility to be better/higher.


    Thank you very much for your attention and this magnificent theme that fills me with pride!

  •  1,629
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Marcelo!

    1. You may increase the amount of services via page builder here:  http://prntscr.com/1q5ffd0

    2. To resolve the issue with responsiveness between slider and boxes on mobile devices, please click WP Dashboard => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and paste this code here:

    @media (max-width: 767px) {
        .isotope-wrapper.isotope.service-isotope.row.masonry-layout.c-gutter-30.c-mb-30 {
        margin-top: 100px;

    Then save changes and you'll receive these results: http://prntscr.com/1q4zwpl

    Best Regards!

  • Marcelo replied

    Tank u so much!

  •  1,629
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Marcelo ! 

    Thank you for your response! If you like our support and have a free minute - please give a positive rating for our theme. To do this - please login at themeforest.net, click "downloads", choose and rate our Arma WordPress Theme. You may strongly rely on our support in future. 


    Best Regards!