  Public Ticket #2790659
Change Slider


  • Prasad Harischandra started the conversation

    Hi , I need to change the "

    Big Data Finance

    We provide consulting for banks, industries and businesses, both new ventures and investments in existing companies."

    How to do that?  Any steps much appreciated.  I have tried to find but i can't find it

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Prasad Harischandra!

    You may simply change the text for layers in slider. For example, click WP Dashboard => Appearance => Sliders => Main Slider.

    Select slide #1 and expand the Slider Layer.

    Pay your attention to Text Layer: https://nimb.ws/v6cbxQ For example, it contains the following text: Keep in touch & stay updated.

    Here you may change this text.

    Save changes for slide and slider globally: https://nimb.ws/XuAWsL

    Using this method is possible to change text and image for every slider layer in each slide.

    Best Regards!

  • Prasad Harischandra replied

    Thanks.it's working now

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    We are glad to assist you, Dear Prasad Harischandra!smile.png