I installed the string locator and I also have the paid version of poedit, but I can't translate the text "learn more" from the services at all, I had to disable the text via css ... the css class is ".service-isotope. icon-box .item-button ". Could you help me with that?
In order to change default "Learn More" text in services, please go to file: wp-content\plugins\mwt-addons\extensions\services\views\loop-item.php and edit Line №55: https://bit.ly/34dFa7I
Hello good afternoon!
I installed the string locator and I also have the paid version of poedit, but I can't translate the text "learn more" from the services at all, I had to disable the text via css ... the css class is ".service-isotope. icon-box .item-button ". Could you help me with that?
Hello Dear Marcelo!
In order to change default "Learn More" text in services, please go to file:
wp-content\plugins\mwt-addons\extensions\services\views\loop-item.php and edit Line №55: https://bit.ly/34dFa7I
Best Regards!
Perfect.. tank you so much!
Problem solved
Hello, Dear Marcelo!
Thank you for your high review.
We are always glad to help you!
Have a nice day!
Best Regards!