  Public Ticket #2688251
plugin Compiler.php


  • Luis Morales started the conversation

    Hi, when installing the template, it gave me the following error:

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class '' not found in /homepages/18/d860548398/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Tarotevolutivo/wp-content/plugins/wp-scss/scssphp/src/Compiler.php:243 Stack trace: # 0 / homepages / 18 / d860548398 / htdocs / clickandbuilds / Tarotevolutivo / wp-content / plugins / wp-scss / class / class-wp-scss.php (79): ScssPhp ScssPhp Compiler-> compile ('// accent colors. .. ',' / homepages / 18 / d ... ') # 1 /homepages/18/d860548398/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Tarotevolutivo/wp-content/plugins/wp-scss/class/class-wp-scss.php (112): compiler ('/ homepages / 18 / d ...', '/ homepages / 18 / d ...', Object (Wp_Scss)) # 2 / homepages / 18 / d860548398 / htdocs / clickandbuilds / Tarotevolutivo / wp-content / plugins / wp-scss / wp-scss.php (209): Wp_Scss-> compile () # 3 / homepages / 18 / d860548398 / htdocs / clickandbuilds / Tarotevolutivo / wp-content / plugins / wp-scss / wp-scss.php (193): wp_scss_compile () # 4 /homepages/18/d860548398/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Tarotevolutivo/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(287): wp_scss_needs_compiling (') #compiling (') homepages / 18 / d860548398 / htdocs / clicka ndbuilds / Tarotevolutivo / wp-includes / c in /homepages/18/d860548398/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Tarotevolutivo/wp-content/plugins/wp-scss/scssphp/src/Compiler.php on line 243

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Luis Morales!

    Thanks for your question.  First please download the stable version of WP-SCSS plugin here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WXuLwtf226TW5MgG9eWKTOn1I8YkFcvs/view?usp=sharing

    Install it, but don't update to the latest version, because it is unstable.

    Then, If you want to change colors on your website, first of all, click WP Dashboard => Plugins => All Plugins. Be sure that WP-SCSS plugin is active. Then please create the folder with name "cache" in the plugin's directory: \wp-content\plugins\wp-scss

    Then click WP Dashboard => Settings => WP-SCSS and apply the following options like on this screenshot: https://prnt.sc/ujc9ab

    Input in SCSS location this path: /scss/

    Input in CSS Location: /css/

    Then save changes.  

    Go WP Dashboard => Appearance => Customize => Theme Color Scheme:  https://prnt.sc/ujc9s4

    Here you may change default theme's colors to your corporate. Change colors and click "Publish" button.

    Wait some time and check result at front-end.

    Best Regards!

  • Luis Morales replied

    I have tried to download the plugin from the link but I do not receive any email to access the download, could you send it to my email account:
    [email protected]

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Luis Morales!


    We have attached the plugin to this reply.

    Best Regards!