  Public Ticket #2165383
text color in the copyright section


  • Richard started the conversation

    Andrey, is there some css code to change the text colour in the copyright section? 

    I have i that section two download buttons plus the copyright wording.

    Thanks again, Richard

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Richard!

    Sure, it's very easy to do via CSS. Please click WP Dashboard => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and paste this code here:

    .page_copyright {
        color: #5b00b2;    
    .page_copyright .widget_nav_menu a, .page_topline .widget_nav_menu a {
        color: #5b00b2;    

    Then save changes and check results at front-end: http://prntscr.com/pbmm46

    Also choose your custom color instead of #5b00b2 You may use this nice tool: https://htmlcolorcodes.com/

    Best Regards!

  • Richard replied

    Bingo!  Thanks Andrey.