  Public Ticket #2088868


  • Carlos started the conversation

    Google Maps does not work. 

    I already entered the API key

    Am getting Error

    "Oops! Something Went Wrong


  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Carlos!

    Unfortunately, Google Maps is no longer free. 

    For more information, see: https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform/pricing/ 

    As alternative, we offer our customers the following solution: 

    1. Install and activate this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-google-maps/ 

    2. Create your first map, and select in the following options in WP Dashboard => Maps => General Map Settings: Disable Mouse Wheel Zoom and Maps Engine: OpenLayers. Save these changes. 

    3. Go to your map => General Settings. Choose zoom, height level, switch map alignment to center. Also do not forget to add a marker in necessary place by right-mouse click on map. Save MAp Marker and Map changes. 

    4. Copy your map's shortcode, for example [wpgmza id="1"] and open in Unyson Page Builder page with affected map area. Hide here default Map element, then add Text Block element and switch it in text mode. Place here between div tags your map's shortcode and save changes. Update page and check result at front-end. These steps will fix your issue. 

    5. As alternative please use Bing Maps plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/bing-maps-for-wordpress/ You may obtain personal API key for it here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff428642.aspx

    Best Regards!