  Public Ticket #1902404


  • Juan started the conversation

    La pagina tarda demasiado en cargar, he instalado varios plugins para tratar de solventar el problema, pero ha sido en vano. No puedo bajar el tiempo total de carga a menos de 15 seg, he asignado bastante recursos a travez del cpanel y nada, que me recomendarian hacer? el plugin que mejor optimizacion logro fue 'autoptimize' en conjunto con 'asynJavaScript'. Adicional a esto, copie el sitio en un mejor servidor con dominio https://test.webmasterdo.com con 48 Cores Xenon y lo maximo que logre fue disminuirlo a 8seg. Por ulimo desde que instale el tema no puedo generar un backup a travez de cpanel.  Agradezco la ayuda.

  • Juan replied

    Olvide mensionar que a pesar de establecer la version de PHP en 7.2, la pagina sigue mostrando que usa la version 5.6. Muchas gracias

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Juan!

    Thank you what you choose our theme.

    1. In order to increase the PHP version, it is possible to perform via cPanel or other similar control panel for the hosting. 

    You may also ask your hosting support to upgrade PHP version. 

    2. In order  to make the site load faster, please increase php memory limit value in order to fix this issue.

    This manual will help you to perform this: 


    Best Regards!

  • Juan replied

    Thanks, I did what you recommended with the WP memory limit (900 MB), but the problem persists. with respect to the PHP version, I changed the PHP version through Cpanel myself because I have 3 servers; however, when I change the PHP version, the page does not reflect the change (it is activated, the add-ons and Wordpress detect that it is '7.2'), but when I open the page, it shows that the version in use is 5.6). Thanks for the help

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Juan!

    We send for you link with the instruction with different ways, how to increase the speed on your website:


    If you will have more issues about this, please send for us the following information:

    1. Link/login/password for your cPanel or similar hosting control panel.

    2. Link/login/password for your WP Dashboard.

    We strongly need exact information about these both points.

    Best Regards!