  Public Ticket #1623290
Color Scheme


  • Andrea started the conversation

    Hi Team,

    I need to change main color scheme because the standards theme color don’t fit right with my logo color. I tried by microthemer plugin but I found it very complicated.

    Maybe is possible to go manually into css? Or add a new color to the color selector.

    I wold also create a smooth scroll in home page on button click to a specific section of the homepage (like a jump anchor). Any suggestion to do that?

    Thanks in advance for support, excuse for my bad english.

    Best Regards, Andrea.

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Andrea!

    If you want to change current color schemes in theme, please use one of these powerful plugins:



    Besides you may change color with the help of the rules of the CSS in section of Customize.

    We hope these instructions will help you.

    Best Regards! 

  • Andrea replied

    Thanks Andrey,

    how can I add another standard color (if it is possible)?

    In addition, I wold also create a smooth scroll in home page on button click to a specific section of the homepage (like a jump to an anchor). Any suggestion to do that?

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Andrea!

    If you wish - we can replace the orange color to deep blue on your website via Notepad++ auto-replacement feature.

    But we recommend you to use this nice plugin: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1opFTRnrnSCSgR6RqlCkVXkLVfDwTSpbF

    Also please visit this link in order to understand, how this plugin may change your website: https://waspthemes.com/yellow-pencil/?yellow_pencil=true&href=waspthemes.com%2Fyellow-pencil%2Fhome-test%2F&yp_page_id=319&yp_page_type=page&yp_mode=single

  • Andrea replied

    I'll try to do it by myself :).
    Anyway, I took a look to yellow pencil and it seems a bit better them microthemer.

    Any suggestion for my second question?

    In addition, I wold also create a smooth scroll in home page on button click to a specific section of the homepage (like a jump to an anchor). Any suggestion to do that?

    Thanks for your superfast support!

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Andrea!

    Please try this solution: 

    1. Install this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/page-scroll-to-id/
    2. Insert in button or menu item the following shortcode: http://yourdoamin.com/#section-1
    3. Insert in text element via Page Builder the following anchor: [ps2id id='section-1' target="/]
    4. Every #section-x in menu item or button appropriates to the necessary id='section-x', where "x" is the index number.
    5. Additionally you may install this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/easy-smooth-scroll-links/ It adds smooth scrolling from button to necessary section/part of website.

    Please clear cache in your browser and check the result. We hope our assistance is helpful for you.

  • Andrea replied

    Hi Andrey,

    I tried with the first plug-ing, but doesn't work.

    I can't insert this kind of code "[ps2id url='#section-1']link text[/ps2id]" in a button on your template through unyson.

    I test it with a plain text link and it works.

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Adrea.

    It is not necessary to insert this anchor directly in button.

    Please create text block before button and insert this code here.

    Save changes and check the result. The scroll will stop before the button.