  Public Ticket #1586157
how to remove cart & my account icon


  • Yashang started the conversation

    hi team,

     i have multiple queries.
    1) how to remove cart and my account icon ? 
    2) how to change title of below pages,
     i want to change "department" to "Retinal Diseases"

    here, i want to change "pipeline" to "Retinal Services"

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Yashang!

    To hide these icons, click WP Dashboard => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and insert here this code:

    .fa-shopping-basket:before {
        content: "\f291";
        display: none;
    .fa-user:before {
        content: "\f007";
        display: none;

    Then save changes and check result at front-end.

    To change Departments title, open in code editor file class-fw-extension-departments.php which locates in /wp-content/plugins/mwt-unyson-extensions/extensions/departments/ and go approximately to the line # 191. Change here 'plural'   => __( 'Departments', 'fw' ) to 'plural'   => __( 'MyCustomName', 'fw' ) and save changes. Then check result at front-end.

    To rename any department, click WP Dashboard => Departments => select appropriate departments and change title and permalink like on the this screenshot: http://nimb.ws/Ko5VaN Save changes and check result at front=-end.

    Best Regards!