  Public Ticket #1570030
Site Logo & Color Scheme


  • Justin Moore started the conversation


    The 3 predefined color schemes do not flow with the company colors. I would like to use the following color code for both colors (1 color instead of 2)


    Also, for the site logo; I would like to use a logo that is 374px W x 70px H. I do not want to use the Logo Text and Logo Tagline option. Instead I would rather use my company logo image that already has the text and tagline in the image.


  •  1,702
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Justin Moore.

    Please provide us wit the login and password for your WP Dashboard and we will perform your requests.

  • Justin Moore replied

    username: temp

    password: temppw1982!

    If you could let me know what code you changed or added to do these so I can change them in the future if need be. 


  • Justin Moore replied

    Also, I noticed that under Appearance > Customize > Widgets > Footer Column 1. When I go to add a Widget > Theme - Icon List > Add Icon that nothing ever comes up. I tried just editing what came with the demo content but that did not work either.

  •  1,702
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Justin More.

    The custom color was applied for your theme: http://nimb.ws/d5Yr6E

    All widget areas were restored: http://nimb.ws/FWq4HX

    Best Regards!