  Public Ticket #1506459
Header phone contact


  • Massimiliano started the conversation

    Hello, I need to add one more phone contact to the header and I'm here to ask if is it possible and how to do that. 

    Thanks in advance.

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Massimiliano!

    Thank you for your question.

    Now, theme has only two buttons to add phones, but as alternative, we recommended to put number in Footer column, for this action, you can use Customizer. Please, click WP Dashboard =>Appearance => Customize =>Widgets=> Footer column 1.

    We send for you screenshot, in order to be more clear:


    Other way, to add number phone, you can use additional plugin, for example:


    If you have additional questions – please ask us.

    Sincerely, MWTemplates Team.

  • Massimiliano replied

    Thanks for response but I really need another button only in that position. If you can just send the guidelines I'll do the rest.

    Thank you

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Massimiliano!

    Open in any code editor file header1.php in this location: \wp-content\themes\aircool\template-parts\header

    Select all code inside and replace it all with the code below. Pay your attention at the lines #80 and #81

    Here you may change phone and address for new instance. Save file and you will receive necessary result.

     * The template part for selected header
    if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
        exit; // Exit if accessed directly
    $social_icons = function_exists( 'fw_get_db_customizer_option' ) ? fw_get_db_customizer_option( 'social_icons' ) : '';
    $header_welcome_text = function_exists( 'fw_get_db_customizer_option' ) ? fw_get_db_customizer_option( 'header_welcome_text' ) : '';
    $header_link_1       = function_exists( 'fw_get_db_customizer_option' ) ? fw_get_db_customizer_option( 'header_link_1' ) : '';
    $header_link_2       = function_exists( 'fw_get_db_customizer_option' ) ? fw_get_db_customizer_option( 'header_link_2' ) : '';
    $header_icon_1 = function_exists( 'fw_get_db_customizer_option' ) ? fw_get_db_customizer_option( 'header_icon_1' ) : '';
    $header_icon_2 = function_exists( 'fw_get_db_customizer_option' ) ? fw_get_db_customizer_option( 'header_icon_2' ) : '';
    $header_button = function_exists( 'fw_get_db_customizer_option' ) ? fw_get_db_customizer_option( 'header_button' ) : '';
    //light or dark version
    $version            = function_exists( 'fw_get_db_customizer_option' ) ? fw_get_db_customizer_option( 'version' ) : 'light';
    $main_section_class = ( $version !== 'light' ) ? 'ds' : 'ls';
    //get template style from ULR - for demo
    if ( isset( $_GET['version'] ) ) {
        $main_section_class = esc_attr( $_GET['version'] );
    if ( is_front_page() ) {
    if ( ( ! empty( $header_welcome_text ) ) || ( ! empty( $header_link_1 ) ) || ( ! empty( $header_link_2 ) ) ) { ?>
        <section class="page_topline ds section_padding_top_5 section_padding_bottom_5 table_section">
            <div class="container">
                <div class="row">
                    <div class="col-sm-8 text-center text-sm-left">
                        <p class="divided-content darklinks">
                            <?php if ( $header_welcome_text ) : ?-->
                                <span class="black">
                                <!--?php echo esc_html( $header_welcome_text ); ?-->
                            <!--?php endif; //header_welcome_text ?-->
                            <!--?php if ( $header_link_1 ) : ?-->
                                <!--?php echo wp_kses_post( $header_link_1 ); ?-->
                            <!--?php endif; //header_link_1 ?-->
                            <!--?php if ( $header_link_2 ) : ?-->
                                <!--?php echo wp_kses_post( $header_link_2 ); ?-->
                            <!--?php endif; //header_link_2 ?-->
                    <div class="col-sm-4 text-center text-sm-right">
                        <div class="page_social_icons">
                            //get icons-social shortcode to render icons in team member item
                            $shortcodes_extension = fw()--->extensions->get( 'shortcodes' );
                            if ( ! empty( $shortcodes_extension ) ) {
                                echo fw_ext( 'shortcodes' )->get_shortcode( 'icons_social' )->render( array( 'social_icons' => $social_icons ) );
                        </div><!-- eof social icons -->
        </section><!-- .page_topline -->
    <!--?php } } ?--><!-- eof is_front_page() -->
    <section class="page_toplogo table_section  section_padding_top_30 section_padding_bottom_30 table_section_md <?php echo esc_html( $main_section_class ); ?>">
        <div class="container">
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-sm-4 text-center text-md-left">
                    <!--?php get_template_part( 'template-parts/header/header-logo' ); ?-->
                <div class="col-md-8 text-center text-md-right">
                    <div class="inline-teasers-wrap">
                        <div class="media small-teaser shortcode-icon">
                            <div class="media-left">
                                <div class="icon-wrap size_big default_icon color_1">
                                    <i class="fa fa-phone"></i>
                            <div class="media-body">
                                <h4 class="title ">Call Us: 01 123 456 789</h4>
                                <span class="text lightgrey">40 Horizon Circle, San Diego, CA</span>
                        <!--?php $shortcodes_extension = defined( 'FW' ) ? fw()--->extensions->get( 'shortcodes' ): ''; ?>
                        <!--?php if ( ( ! empty( $header_icon_1 ) ) ) : ?-->
                            //get icon shortcode to render icon 1
                            if ( ! empty( $shortcodes_extension ) ) {
                                echo fw_ext( 'shortcodes' )--->get_shortcode( 'icon' )->render( $header_icon_1 );
                        <!--?php endif; ?-->
                        <!--?php if ( ( ! empty( $header_icon_2 ) ) ) : ?-->
                            //get icon shortcode to render icon 2
                            if ( ! empty( $shortcodes_extension ) ) {
                                echo fw_ext( 'shortcodes' )--->get_shortcode( 'icon' )->render( $header_icon_2 );
                        <!--?php endif; ?-->
        </div><!-- eof .col- -->
    <header class="page_header header-1 <?php echo esc_html( $main_section_class ); ?> toggler_left affix-top with_top_border">
        <div class="container">
            <div class="row margin_0">
                <div class="col-sm-12 display_table">
                    <div class="header_mainmenu display_table_cell">
                        <nav class="mainmenu_wrapper primary-navigation">
                            <!--?php wp_nav_menu( array(
                                'theme_location' =--> 'primary',
                                'menu_class'     => 'sf-menu nav-menu nav',
                                'container'      => 'ul',
                            ) ); ?>
                        <!-- header toggler -->
                        <span class="toggle_menu"></span>
                    <!--?php if ( ( ! empty( $header_button ) ) ) : ?-->
                    <div class="header_button display_table_cell text-right hidden-xs">
                        if ( ! empty( $shortcodes_extension ) ) {
                            echo fw_ext( 'shortcodes' )--->get_shortcode( 'button' )->render( $header_button );
                    </div><!-- eof .header_button -->
                    <!--?php endif; ?-->
                </div><!-- eof .col-sm-* -->
            </div><!-- eof .row-->
        </div> <!--    eof .container-->
    </header><!-- eof .page_header -->

    Best Regards!