  Public Ticket #1505587
General Queries - Fluffy paw


  • Michelle started the conversation

    I have a few queries if possible, relating to the fluffy paw website:

    1) Can the home page slider be made to move automatically?

    2) Can the testimonials be made to move automatically?

    3) The bullet points are not visible on the website

    4) Is it possible to have a search bar on the main menu (like in the aircool template)

    Many thanks

  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Michelle.

    1. To activate auto-change of images in slider: open in code editor file main.js located in /wp-content/themes/fluffy-paw/js/ and go approximately to line #116. It is necessary to add several values in this code, so it would appear like this:

                var slider = $(this);
                    useCSS: false,
                    controls: false,
                    pager: true,
                    auto: true,
                    duration: 1000,
                    mode: 'fade',
                    wrapperClass: 'bx-wrapper-main',

    The parameter auto would be true, also play with duration, foe example increase it up to 2000.

    2. To activate auto-change for testimonials, go in the same file approximately to the line #143. All these code would be appear like the following:

    var slider = $(this).find('.fw-testimonials-list');
            if(slider.length) {
                var slider_id = slider.attr('id');
                    swipe: {
                        onTouch: true
                    next : "#"+slider_id+"-next",
                    prev : "#"+slider_id+"-prev",
                    pagination : "#"+slider_id+"-controls",
                    responsive: true,
                    infinite: false,
                    items: 1,
                    auto: true,
                    duration: 1000,
                    rtl: rtl,
                    scroll: {
                        items : 1,
                        fx: "crossfade",
                        easing: "linear",
                        duration: 300

    Pay your attention on the following values: auto: true and duration: 1000. You may play around with the duration value. Save file main.js

    Important notice: to view all changes, please clear cache in a browser.

    3. Concerning bullets, could you please specify, what exactly bullets are not visible on your website?

    4. To add search in menu, please install this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/add-search-to-menu/

    Then click Settings => Add Search In Menu and apply all settings like on this screenshot:  http://nimb.ws/0SQrP5

    Also add in custom css section of plugin this code:

    .search-form .search-field {
        border: 2px solid #F0F1EB;
        background: none;
        margin-top: 10px;
        font-weight: 600;
        font-size: 11px;

    Save all changes and you will receive the following result: http://nimb.ws/wUVjQM

    Best Regards!

  • Michelle replied

    Many thanks for your reply - the slider and testimonials are working perfectly - thank you.

    I have the search bar in place, but it isn't working - there is just a spinning icon when entering a word to search (I am mainly wanting to search for woocommerce products, along with posts).  I have the woocommerce widget 'product search' in the sidebar - and this is working great.  Is it possible to place this in the menu instead?

    The bullet points aren't working on pages/posts/woocommerce products. (please see attachments)

    Many thanks for your help


  •  1,708
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Michelle!

    We have fixed the issue with bullet points: http://nimb.ws/ujHYoz

    Concerning search - we not sure how to fix this, this plugin "add search in menu" is completely 3-d party.