  Public Ticket #1406299
Personalize colour theme


  • Massimiliano started the conversation

    Hello, I'm searching to change the main colours theme into my personal colours. How should I do it?

  •  1,625
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Massimiliano!

    We have prepared for you video tutorial about to change default theme colors on yours custom: 

    How to change colors in theme quickly and easily.
    Actual links:

    If you want to change color for any element in theme - inspect it in browser's debugger and then insert appropriate css rule in additional cs..

    Besides you may change background, color and overlay color of sections in Unyson Page Builder. The manual about ho to use Unyson Page Builder you may download here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5NKlmlSvX2yYll1a0NOV2hpVms  It will help you to perform many changes with content and colors on your current website.

    We hope these recommendations will help you! Best Regards!