Would you know how to autoplay testimonials section in the home page? I tried setting the auto:true in the testimonials shortcodes unyson plugin but it is still not autoplaying.
The alternative way is the following: open in code editor file main.js located in /wp-content/themes/beautyagency/js and remove lines from 45 to 67: http://nimb.ws/6K2ywe Save file. Then go to file view.php in wp-content/themes/beautyagency/framework-customizations/extensions/shortcodes/shortcodes/testimonials/views/view.php and add at the beginning of file the following code:
Would you know how to autoplay testimonials section in the home page? I tried setting the auto:true in the testimonials shortcodes unyson plugin but it is still not autoplaying.
Hello, Dear Customer!
The alternative way is the following: open in code editor file main.js located in /wp-content/themes/beautyagency/js and remove lines from 45 to 67: http://nimb.ws/6K2ywe Save file. Then go to file view.php in wp-content/themes/beautyagency/framework-customizations/extensions/shortcodes/shortcodes/testimonials/views/view.php and add at the beginning of file the following code: