Frequently Asked Questions

WP-SCSS Sass Compiling Error: File Permission Error, permission denied. Please make the cache directory writable.

First, please update WP-SCSS plugin up to the latest version, then click WP Dashboard => Settings => WP- SCSS and re-save changes like on the screenshot:

Alternative solution: please download the stable version of the WP-SCSS plugin here:

Install it, but don't update to the latest version, because it is unstable.

Then if you want to change colors on your website, first of all, please click WP Dashboard => Plugins => All Plugins. Be sure that the WP-SCSS plugin is active. Then please create the folder with name "cache" in the plugin's directory: \wp-content\plugins\wp-scss

Then click WP Dashboard => Settings => WP-SCSS and apply the following options like on this screenshot:

Input in SCSS location this path: /scss/

Input in CSS Location: /css/

Then save changes.  

Go WP Dashboard => Appearance => Customize => Theme Color Scheme:

Here you may change the default theme's colors to your corporate. Change colors and click the "Publish" button.

Wait some time and check the result at the front-end.
